Leaving the Grand Canyon in the chilly morning after a great recovery day took a lot longer than anticipated. First it was cold this morning as the overnight low hit 31 degrees! At 7:00 am it was only 44. Second, no one was in a hurry to get to Tuba City. Lastly, the East Rim and Little Colorado River Gorge provided more breathtaking scenery to forever etch my brain. Pictures cannot do justice to this Wonder of the World. I would encourage everyone to make the Grand Canyon a destination on your "Bucket List." Take 64 east out of hte main park area and work your way to the Glen Canyon area and Monument Valley (this is where we go tomorrow; and if today is a preview, tomorrow will be awesome).
today's ride was a little over 86 miles. We started at 7,000' made our way along the East Rim climbing over rollers to an eventual elevation of 7,550', then the fun descent started over 30 miles we dropped to 4,000'. We rode 57 miles to lunch, which today was at a deli market. After a large turkey sandwich, a 10 oz tomato juice and 12 oz grapefruit juice and a small bag of pretzels we took off for the climb to Tuba City which is at 4,750'.
up to mile 51 the ride went well, then the flat tires started for "Ricky Bobby" who was riding with Matt and myself. By the end of the day he had 4 flat tires! Traffic also picked up intensity of the last 29 miles. coupled with small shoulders this part of the ride became a grind.
Richard Hanke got tagged "Ricky Bobby" by the Colorado trio once everyone identified him as the group's rabbit. He is definetly a strong rider at age 47. He is also a great phtographer. He rode with Matt and me so he can keep a decent pace, take photos along the way and not ride solo.
Tuba City is a one traffic light town; we had dinner at the only none chain restaurant in town, the local Pizza joint. A far cry from the El Tovar at the GC. However, we got carbo loaded for our next century ride, 112 miles to Mexican Hat, Utah. After tomorrow we will say good-bye to our second state.
Tuba City is a one traffic light town; we had dinner at the only none chain restaurant in town, the local Pizza joint. A far cry from the El Tovar at the GC. However, we got carbo loaded for our next century ride, 112 miles to Mexican Hat, Utah. After tomorrow we will say good-bye to our second state.
I burned over 2,300 kcals today while climbing over 3,800' over 86 miles. Our hotel tonight is at the Grey Hills Inn, not exactly a Hilton but it will do as the bed is comfortable and sleep is calling. This inn is operated by the local high school as a educational program for its students to enter the hospitality industry. The only other hotel in town claimed they could not handle the Trek Travel contingent. Alas, my cell phone is still out of service for a second straight day.
Hi Mark!
I can identify with the traffic and "narrow shoulders" comment. It is a pain to ride in that. The past two days sound truly awesome. I am getting the travel by bike bug bad )try saying that fast a few times!) Interesting about the flats. Why do some get so many? Does the support van always stay close by or do you have to radio them for help? Sounds like everyone is hanging in well. How comfortable are you at the end of the day? Love the photos; excellent pictures.
Ride on.....
Your pictures are breathtaking! Glad you enjoyed your rest day. Congratulations on getting another state under your belt today!
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