The group is envious of my fan support these past few days!

Another bitter cold start, 36 degrees when we left at 7:45 am. It took almost to 10:00 am before it warmed up enough for me to no longer see my breath! Prior to departing, my Carmichael coach joined me for coffee as I ate my typical "quick" breakfast - Banana, OJ, fruit, waffle, bacon and a Bagel.
After a quick ride through town we turned on to the Blue Ridge Parkway once again, heading North for 4 miles then we turned south for the day. We had one last significant climb to tend to prior to departing the Appalachians for the rolling hills of South Carolina - the climb to the Eastern Continental Divide at Hickory Nut Gap. The descent took us to Chimney Rock and Lake Lure; the scenery and landscape was just beautiful. The Broad river which made its path along our roadway was filled with large boulders and rocks.
The rest of the way to Union, SC made for comfortable cycling. The rollers steady lost their degree of incline as we dropped all the way to 570'. We crossed the state line on a country road that was apparently so rural South Carolina didn't posted a sign welcoming us to their state.
All in all, today was a great ride. I handled the cold with proper clothing; the cycling was fun, especially on the long descent into Chimney Rock.
Today's key stats:
103.5 miles
6:35 in the saddle for a 15.5 avg mph
6,020' of climbing elevation
Matt sat the day out due to food poisoning!
2,170 kcals burned during the last 4.5 hours (my SRM didn't record data for the first two hours today - too cold for the electronics! This happened on Saturday and Sunday also.)
No flats today.
Tomorrow: 123 miles to Orangeburg - lots of rollers coming before we hit Low Country.
How wonderful that Tracey came out to see you on your way this morning! You have indeed been very fortunate with fan support the past few days - I only wish we could have gotten out there to ride with you for a day.
I hope Matt is feeling better and able to rejoin the group tomorrow.
I head back to school tomorrow - eager yet hesitant at the same time.
The time is flying by! Cherish your last two days of this truly epic adventure. You made it to your final state - wow!
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Hi Mark!
Gee. How did that second "commentary" slip in? Can you erase those? Pretty cool when you can refer to a century ride in such nonchalant terms, as though it were just another typical day. I'm glad these past days have been through such nice terrain. The hills of S. Carolina a truly nice and this must be a great time of the year for this sort of trip, the cold notwithstanding. You're looking pretty buff in the photos. Now that you are down to your last couple of days, be sure to slow down and smell the roses along the way. Looking forward to tomorrow's ride.
Ride on......
Wow...almost done! Can you believe that this wonderful adventure is almost over? I am so excited for you that you were able to accomplish such a feat.
I was happy to see you rode through the Chimney Rock and Lake Lure area. As that is where we stayed.
Ride proudly into Charleston tomorrow.
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