Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Saying goodbye to Oklahoma

Archie, Matt and me at the Missouri state line.

Our last 92 miles in Oklahoma came on a cloudy, overcast morning that spread misting rain on us as we rode to Missouri. One nice change today is the wind turned favorable to us. Thanks to the favorable winds our trio averaged over 17 mph today over the 110 miles as compared to 15 mph yesterday.

Lunch in Welch, OK was an opportunity to put dry clothes on while refueling for the remaining 48 miles. Problem with that was by the time we arrive in Neosho my clothes were drenched once again.

Today was a tough day for two of our group. Greg who has been suffering chills went to the hospital ER to find out he is dehydrated which has lead to prostate, urination and constipation issues. After an IV, various tests and some medications he was released and is on the road to recovery. He expects to be riding by Friday. Jack suffered worse news - his daughter-in-law's pregnancy terminated early. Jack will be leaving the group tomorrow; we're all hoping he can rejoin us sometime before we reach Charleston.

Today's key stats:
110 miles; 6 1/2 hours in the saddle
3,120 kcals burned
No flats tires today (after 9 yesterday, go figure!)
3,681' of climbing as we head to the Ozarks
now at an elevation of 1,187'

Tomorrow: 90 miles to Branson with over 7,000' of climbing while we drop 202' in elevation!


Rick Bosshardt said...

Hi Mark! Sorry to hear about Jack's daughter-in-law. We'll say a prayer for him and the whole family. Just goes to show that life doesn't pause just because you are on a cross country trip. Glad to hear Greg's problem was solved and he should recover pretty quickly; not a fun combination of symptoms! I'm glad to hear you are holding up well. What is the usual attrition rate on such trips? Let's hope MO is a little more biker friendly, weather-wise. At least you won't be crossing OK again in the futre on a bike. Do any of the other riders have blogs? It would be fun to check them out too.
Hang in there!
Ride on......

Dave B said...

The states keep adding up...7 down and 4 to go! Stay safe...Live Strong.